Dr. Hinck (right) directs the Institute for the Biology of Stem Cells (IBSC) together with Dr. Camilla Forsberg (left). The IBSC provides training and facilities to support stem cell research at UCSC.

Training programs sponsored by the IBSC:
Postdoctoral Fellows: NIH Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award (IRACDA)
Postdoctoral Fellows and Graduate Students: California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) training programs
Postdoctoral Fellows: NIH T32 training program (NIH-T32)
Graduate Students: UC-Doctoral Diversity Initiative (HSI-DDI)
Undergraduate Students: Genentech-foundation sponsored Academic Inspiration Network (GAIN)
Facilities supported by the IBSC:
The IBSC Stem Cell Facility
The Flow Cytometry Facility
The Life Sciences Microscopy Core